Saturday, October 18, 2008

What is Fashion?

What is fashion? Is it spending thousands of dollars each season purchasing a new wardrobe just because you have the means to do so? Is it obnoxiously parading around in public displaying three or four different "popular, like OMG!" brands?(a.k.a brand whoring) What about buying fake impersonations of those "popular" brands just so you can pretend that you actually have the funds to purchase that product?

As you may have noticed by my dripping sarcasm, none of the statements above capture the words "fashion" or "style." I've been thinking about this question a lot lately. What is fashion? How do we define fashion and most importantly, how do we define style?

The dictionary reads:

Fashion - a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.

Style - an elegant, fashionable, or luxurious mode of living.

Do i agree with the dictionary? Not really, you see fashion may be defined by the couture gods every season, but style is defined differently by each individual. I'm reminded of the quote from Coco Chanel, "Fashion fades, only style remains the same."

That said, personal style is important to your very existence. Don't go through the motions people! If you fancy scarves, then find a way to work the beautiful prints into your outfits two, maybe three times a week. Perhaps you are addicted to bold, gold accessories - then go for it sister! Who cares if Vogue says "gold is out out out! for the season. Take that one trend that defines your style and stick with it. Too many times i see women who become slaves to the season trends, spending gobs and gobs of money on pieces of clothing that do not define their personality in any way.

I am inspired by the people in my life who dance to their own "fashion" tune. For example, every day i come into contact with a woman who fully embraces her own personal style. She doesn't have a large wardrobe nor the funds to gallivant around the local boutiques every week, but she does invest in pieces that speak to her. Would i purchase the bold patterned blouses or tunics that she does? Probably not, BUT -- do i secretly steal a glance in her direction every time i catch her in the elevator see what she is wearing? You bet your Jimmy Choos i do! She is constantly mixing up the her small wardrobe by belting, scarfing (is that a word?) slipping on a unique necklace or jeweled cuff and throwing in some patented leather flats now and then for good measure. Brilliant.

Now is the time to define your personal style! Think back through the years to pieces of clothing, accessories etc. that complimented your eyes, cheek bones, boobs or butt. Next, pull those old relics out of storage, dust off the moth balls and incorporate your treasures into your next few outfits. And remember, fashion isn't for everyone else, it's for you!

Here's to looking fabulous!


P.S. Your bank account will thank you!


Anonymous said...

I wonder who that would be???

Jenn said...

Lyns! I was randomly on good old GVSU's website and I saw you were in a "success story" on the homepage and they said you had this blog, how cool! You are so cute and I am very impressed with all this, you're going to be famous someday! I plan on subscribing and listening and hopefully following all your fashion advice. Lord knows I can always use the help. Miss you lady!

"London" Jenn